There is much to discover at Björkbacken! HERE YOU'LL FIND... Området Waterpark Adjacent to the hotel, cabins and camping we have Grodis Waterpark which is... Området Miniature golf On site we have an adventure golf course where our guests have the opportun... Området Playground We have put a lot of effort in building an area with plenty of activities f... Området Nanny service During the summer, we offer a free nanny service for our guests in the area... Området Barbecue area Between the camping area and the cabin village you will find a large grill ... Området Amenity building We have a high standard amenity building on site with tile walls and clinke... AS WELL AS DIFFERENT ALTERNATIVES IN CASE YOU GET HUNGRY... Meny Our breakfast "Life isn't easy, said Hejsan, just as one lies down and sleeps one has to ... Meny Lunch The lunch buffet is served Monday - Friday11:30 - 14:00BREAD – SALAD BUFFET... Meny Summer menu 2024 Hang in there, we're working hard on the summer menu. As soon as it's ready... Meny Cajsa's Café Welcome to Cajsa's Café!. Here you will find varied food during the summer ... Meny Lovisa's Pizzeria MENU 2023. (Changes may occur for 2024)MARGHERITATomato sauce, mozzarella/c... Meny Lobby bar In the hotel's reception you will find our lobby bar. There is a slightly s... Area map Get to know Björkbacken, there is a lot to explore here! More info