Rum 42: The brothers Phalén

The story of the tender brothers who became characters 
in Astrid Lindgrens saga The brothers Lionheart.

Hotel in Vimmerby near Astrid Lindgrens Värld

Rooms with a history

Each of our rooms tell the story of a unique character that lived around Astrid Lindgren as she grew up in this area. Many of these people inspired her and later became characters in her stories.

We have rooms for different needs and requests. The economy room is a smaller room type for the ones who wants a cheaper room and don't need a lot of space, we have standard rooms with a queen size bed and we offer a spacious business room, comfortable for meetings and conversations. If you want a jacuzzi and a more luxurious feel we offer a junior suite and a romantic room. We also offer standard rooms for larger companies, up to sex persons.

One room tells the story of the one armed Drifter Jocke Kis, the Thief Johan Samuel Lif that sold stolen goods to unsuspecting residents of the village Lönneberga, or the Broom Saleswoman Wood-Sarah that time after time wandered the 70 kilometers to her hut in the woods dispite the fact that the authorities all the time came to get her and drove her back to the town Rumskulla. The Brothers Phalén became the inspiration to the Brothers Lionheart as Astrid Lindgren saw a grave stone with the inscription "Here rests the tender brothers Phalén".

The Collector Nisse Stolpe lived along with seven persons in an area of 8 square meters in Vimmerby and gathered all the time all kinds of items that he found, we have another room that tells the story of the woman who inspired Astrid Lindgren to the character Krösa-Maja in the stories of Emil of Lönneberga. She was called The Storyteller Marie of Vendeladal and Astrid came as child often to her home to her creepy stories. Every room in our hotel tells the story of a person with a most interesting story.

At our hotel you are invited to an exciting mix of history and cosiness!

Packages & Offers

Svit Deal

Svit Deal

Boka två nätter, betala endast för en. Fyll på med ny energi!

  • Cava vid ankomst
  • Frukt vid ankomst
  • Dinner
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  • En flaska kyld Cava och Kanapéer
  • Boende i Juniorsvit
  • Middag med dessert
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Romantikpaket Deluxe

Romantikpaket Deluxe

  • En flaska kyld flaska Champagne och Kanapéer
  • Blommor och chokladdoppade frukter på rummet.
  • Exklusiv tillgång till spabad och bastu
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Du sitter i inspirerande miljöer och avslutar dagen med god mat och dryck och sköna sängar. Oavsett om du behöver en lugn plats att fokusera på arbete eller en kreativ omgivning för att hitta nya idéer, så är vårat hotell det perfekta valet för en balanserad och effektiv hotellvistelse.

  • Cava vid ankomst
  • Frukt vid ankomst
  • Dinner
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Medial Weekend

Medial Weekend

När den mörka årstiden har kommit och solen gått ner över Karaktärshotellet en kväll i oktober, det är då mystiken ökar. Vendela Cederholm tar med oss på en häpnadsväckande resa genom andevärlden.

  • Cava vid ankomst
  • En kväll med Vendela Cederholm
  • Middag med dessert
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